If you’re having trouble ordering, please make sure your cookies are enabled, then try again. if that doesn’t work, shoot, I don’t know, email me and I’ll try to figure it out! I tried to test everything but realistically you can’t test every possible combination of circumstances, that’s life baby.
Right now I’m only shipping out to the USA. Sorry internationals but going anywhere else is too expensive. I think (?) I configured the site to disallow international orders entirely, but if you were successful in getting one through I’ll just send you a refund.
That’s the only troubles I can anticipate right now, the cookie thing and the shipping issue. If you come across another trouble (pertaining to this website) please let me know! email is jacob@fujichia.com. Not only is it not “a bother” for you to report a problem to me, it’ll help me out in the long run.
If there’s no trouble but you just want to say hi, that’s good too! I mean that’s great. 🙂