While I'm here I might as well post some fan art I got recently that buoyed my spirits:
quilt square from Ian
cool drawing from Will's daughter Freya
I would like to point out that Ian's square is pieced, not appliqued-- it's not a bunch of shapes sewn onto a background-- rather, all the pieces fit together like a puzzle, with no background. I appreciate that. It's a tricky business-- I still can't figure out how to do curves like this! Also I love that the pattern gives one the effect of an eyeball peeping through a smoky cloud.
On a related note, I really appreciate the detail intuited by Freya that there are a bunch of people in the castle!!! I kind of got mad at myself recently for deciding to build such a forlorn-looking structure rather than one that's a little more inviting, but a castle like this is never really empty-- there's always a ghost or a creature or a spider or a snake climbing up the cracks in the masonry or an imp dancing on the spine of the roof like an angel on the head of a pin. I'm happy that's evident to children :)
My next big castle update will have a kitchen with a fridge to hang these beautiful artworks on, so please continue to send them my way!! Oh, and I still have lots of these 1000 year anniversary patches-- if you want one just drop $10 or more in the bucket at the temple and I'll mail one to you, anywhere on the planet.
OK, more next week! Any new visitors reading this via art show traffic are welcome to click around and lurk awhile. If you're looking for the bathroom it's on the second floor next to the grand ballroom.
Links / misc
- contributor, castle lurker, artist, and friend Flannery has a new radio show, the first one is tomorrow (Wednesday the 7th) from 4-5 eastern. I think there's going to be an archive but I can't tell yet. tune in here: []
- I was supposed to be on Jeremy Harris' talk show two weeks ago but I had to bail, sorry Jeremy! You can catch previous episodes on youtube, but I wouldn't bet on these staying online forever: [youtube]. Last week's guests were Clay Camero and CF, and partway through the broadcast the phone rings, and it's Sicilia's, saying "Hi, I have your pizza, I'm outside".
- Will's got a new recording up on bandcamp, with proceeds going towards the New England Science Center. The band is called "Cool and Frank" and the record is called "New England Science Center. [bandcamp]
- Cramps - Green Door. my favorite version of this spooky 50s tune [youtube]
If you got here through a link, click here to go outside and come back in: [outside]
Archives of previous posts is here, in the coat room: [coatroom]
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To leave a little donation to help in the maintance of this castle, OR to simply hear the sound of a large bell, which is good luck, visit the temple area: [link]
As always, if you're bugging out or need a respite from endlessly scrolling the feed, you are welcome to hang out in the castle as long as you want. :)